A downloadable game for Windows

A dirtbox game.

Controls :::::

Move:  [WASD]

Jump:  [Space]

Look:  [Mouse]

Use/ Interact:  [Right Click]

Inventory:  [Scroll Wheel]

Sprint:  [Shift]

Crouch: [Ctrl]

Respawn:  [R]

Fullscreen:  [F11]

Regain Mouse Control:  [Esc]

Sanctuum Ranacas is currently in its alpha stage of development.

(a.007)  :::::

 -- trees

 -- trees drop sticks in the dirt that may grow into more trees

(a.006)  :::::

 -- many minor water improvements

(a.005)  :::::

 -- dead grass

 -- dead cattail

(a.004)  :::::

 -- cattail

(a.003)  :::::

 -- erosion

 -- stone

(a.002)  :::::

 -- minor performance improvements

(a.001)  :::::

 -- dirt

 -- grass

 -- water

 -- rain

 -- time

 -- clouds

 -- shovel

Warning! game does not yet save


Sanctuum Ranacas a.007 68 MB